A brief history of apprenticeships within the UK

All the way from the inception of apprenticeships to what they are today...

Exploring the History of Apprenticeships in the UK

Apprenticeships have long played a crucial role in the development of skilled workers in the UK. In this article, we’ll take you on a short history lesson about how they started and how they got to be what they are today.

The Origins of Apprenticeships in the UK

The roots of apprenticeships in the UK can be traced back to the Middle Ages when the concept of gaining practical experience alongside skilled artisans emerged. Organisations called ‘guilds’ led the development of apprenticeships during this period.

Apprenticeships in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, apprenticeships were prevalent in various trades, including blacksmithing, carpentry, and weaving. Young individuals, known as apprentices, would enter into a contractual agreement with a skilled craftsman, known as a master. The master would guide the apprentice through a structured training program, teaching them the trade's intricacies and passing on valuable skills.

In 1563, the Statute of Artificers (also known as Statute of Apprentices) created the first apprenticeship system. This made it so that anyone that wished to enter a trade — had a compulsory apprenticeship to complete to gain entry.

Apprenticeships during this time were typically lengthy, even lasting up to 7 years! The apprentices would live with their masters, learning not only the practical skills of their trade but also gaining exposure to the broader aspects of life and society.

Blacksmithing, carpentry and weaving were common trades that could be learned through apprenticeships in the 1500s

The Role of Guilds in Early Apprenticeships

Guilds, which were associations of skilled craftsmen, played a crucial role in overseeing apprenticeships during medieval times. These guilds established standards for training, ensuring that apprentices received a quality education and that their skills met industry expectations.

Guilds also provided a support system for both apprentices and masters. They regulated the terms and conditions of apprenticeships, settled disputes, and enforced the codes of conduct. Additionally, guilds organised social events and activities that fostered a sense of community among apprentices and masters alike.

The Evolution of Apprenticeships Through the Centuries

As the centuries progressed, apprenticeships went through various transformations, adapting to the changing needs of society and industry. The Industrial Revolution and the impact of the World Wars posed significant challenges to the traditional apprenticeship model. However, these challenges also brought about new opportunities and advancements in apprenticeship programs.

Apprenticeships during the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution marked a period of massive change and innovation, which profoundly impacted apprenticeships. With the rise of mechanisation and factory-based production, traditional craft-based apprenticeships faced challenges. However, new apprenticeship programmes were introduced to cater to the emerging industrial needs.

Apprenticeships during this period shifted towards technical skills required in industries such as engineering and manufacturing. The introduction of steam power and the expansion of rail and canal networks created a demand for skilled workers who could design, operate, and maintain these new technologies.

The Impact of World Wars on Apprenticeships

The World Wars played a significant role in shaping the future of apprenticeships into what we see today. During World Wars, apprenticeships saw a surge in demand as industries needed skilled workers to support the war efforts. Apprentices were trained in a range of fields, from engineering and construction to healthcare and telecommunications.

After the wars, apprenticeships continued to evolve to meet the changing needs of the post-war economy. New apprenticeship programs were introduced, emphasising technology, innovation, and professional services.

Modern Apprenticeships in the UK

In the UK, modern apprenticeships have seen significant advancements since the introduction of the Apprenticeships Act in 1994. This legislation aimed to revitalise apprenticeships and make them more responsive to the needs of employers and individuals.

Programme manager
In today's world — the digital age is in its infancy but apprenticeships are already adapting

The Introduction of the Apprenticeships Act

The Apprenticeships Act 1994 brought about a new era for apprenticeships in the UK. The act introduced a standardised framework for apprenticeship programs, ensuring that they met specific quality criteria and were aligned with industry requirements. It emphasised the importance of combining practical training with academic learning and led to an increase in the number and variety of apprenticeship opportunities available.

The Act introduced National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) as a way to assess and recognize apprentices' skills and competence. This accreditation system provided a universally recognised apprenticeship benchmark, enhancing their value and reputation.

Current Trends and Statistics in UK Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships continue to play a vital role in the UK's workforce, with a growing number of individuals and employers recognising their value. According to recent statistics from gov.uk, the number of people starting apprenticeships has been steadily increasing. In 2020/2021, there were over 349,000 apprenticeship starts in England alone, covering many industries and occupations.

  1. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) apprenticeships have gained popularity, reflecting the increased demand for skilled workers in these sectors. Industries such as IT, engineering, and healthcare are actively utilising apprenticeship programs to attract and develop talent.
  2. Higher apprenticeships, which offer opportunities for advanced learning and professional development, have also seen growth. These apprenticeships allow individuals to earn while pursuing higher-level qualifications, such as foundation degrees and bachelor's degrees.
  3. Apprenticeships are no longer restricted to traditional trades. Creative and digital apprenticeships are emerging as exciting pathways to careers in sectors like media, marketing, and design.

These trends indicate a positive trajectory for apprenticeships, highlighting their adaptability and relevance in today's rapidly changing economy.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our summary on the history of apprenticeships, what we can learn is that through every period of change in working life, apprenticeships have adapted to keep up with trends. 

We’ll finish off with some quick-fire facts about what apprenticeships were like back in the 1500s.

  • The normal term to complete an apprenticeship was 7 years
  • You weren't allowed to work in any skill or trade without completing an apprenticeship first.
  • If you tried to leave your apprenticeship without completing it fully, you could be imprisoned for 3 weeks!
  • The age for starting an apprenticeship went as early as 12 years old
  • If you were an apprentice, you couldn’t marry or start a household
  • Any sort of skill tracking was difficult and usually done on paper

As you can see, apprenticeships were very different back then…