Capturing on-the-job learning & digital competency tracking

Create digital logbooks to capture on-the-job learning progress using smartphones not spreadsheets. Digital competency management made more efficient.

Progress overview showing the approved, awaiting review and tasks still to for each logbook.Progress overview showing the approved, awaiting review and tasks still to do from each learner enrolled in a logbook.

Turn chaos into

You can trust Conveya’s digital logbooks to increase visibility and effectiveness of your workplace learning program while enhancing the employee experience.

Go from paper to pixels and increase efficiency with our competency management software

Logbooks have traditionally been a paper document completed by learners throughout their training. The hardest thing about that is that it's near impossible to keep an up-to-date and easily read record on file for the learner or the organisation. Enter Conveya's competency management platform.

A digital library of logbooks.Viewing a logbook task.

L&D manager, supervisor or learner? Your workforce benefits with digital logbooks

Create & deploy a competency curriculum with ease

Say goodbye to messy paper books and staring at Word docs that don't talk to any of your systems — Conveya's digital logbooks allow L&D managers to create an entire skills curriculum with all the bells and whistles to make creation & distribution of skills programmes a breeze.

Conveya drastically reduces the admin required to create & distribute a skills programme, giving you more time that can be spent on improving your people.

Gain greater visibility over learner progress

Conveya presents learner and supervisor activity in an at-a-glance dashboard so you can see which learners are falling behind with their requirements or who’s excelling within the programme.

This means you're able to spend time & resources in the correct areas to support your learners and find out what's working and what doesn't within your programmes.

An early careers administrator.Stats showing the overall pending, approved and rejected count for every logbook an admin oversees.Creating the structure of a logbook.

Simple & easy assessment of
evidence submitted

Supervisors receive learner evidence in a clear & concise format allowing them to focus on the assessment of work, not the organisation.

Supervisors are notified of learner entries and can view the details of a submission instantly. Submissions can be approved or rejected easily - and add feedback to the learner if required.

Ultimately, our logbooks streamline the marking process for supervisors - meaning less admin, less delays and less errors.

A supervisor and a learner.A supervisor view of assessing logbook evidence from a learner. A feedback comment has been added and ready to send back to the learner.

Empower learners and make learning more engaging

Providing a seamless learner experience can boost engagement and learning satisfaction. Conveya's digital logbooks simplify viewing, submitting and reviewing learning for your employees making it easier to keep track of their programme requirements.

Learners are able to see module structure alongside the instructions to carry out the tasks within. Time spent on & amount of times a task has been completed can be logged - alongside supporting files and submission comments.

Learners on the move?

The Conveya companion mobile app puts learning directly into your employees hands - providing greater visibility and convenience over both viewing and submitting learning requirements.

An image of an employee working on their learning requirements.A learner's submission ready to be sent for review. Mobile app.
Case Study
Elevator Maintenance Employee

Success Stories: KONE

Read how KONE used Conveya to transform and digitise on-the-job learning for better learner accessibility and more efficient learning capabilities for managers.

Read now

Integrate digital competency management  into your learning delivery and access a wealth of features

Digitise evidence of skills development

Our logbooks provide you with the ability to digitise the recording of workplace evidence. All evidence can be electronically approved or rejected by a supervisor.

Get exactly what you need

You can customise what is being tracked including, dates, hours spent on tasks & events.

Spot those struggling

Dashboards display all data and can highlight those who are following behind with their compliance requirements.

Set-up and configure logbooks

Track your employees' 'On The Job' learning, with the ability to review their progress through interactive dashboards.​​

Employees can log their own learning and upload evidence to support their training.

Identify training gaps

Through real-time tracking employers can identify training gaps and the need for any additional employee support.

Verified evidence

All training is verified by the employees’ supervisors to ensure the work carried out is correct and validated.